The Gravepine Summer 2019

Its high summer and I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays; if you haven’t been away yet let’s hope the good weather continues.

Our few days in Bratislava at the WONCA Europe conference were very warm (VERY) but EURIPA had an excellent meeting. Our workshops were good, we attended the WONCA Europe Council meeting and a meeting of all the WONCA Europe networks as well as having a joint meeting of the Executive Committee and International Advisory Board. Our booth was busy and there was plenty of information about EURIPA and this year’s IX Forum as well as offering a range of interesting food to tempt visitors. At our booth we also promoted the Checklist for supporting and training rural health workers, developed by Rural WONCA. Our first Rural Café also took place and despite technical challenges there was interesting discussion on rural education.

Its time now to focus on our next Rural Health Forum which will take place in November in the Azores when our Annual Meeting will also take place. Its all go!

Jane Randall-Smith

Executive Secretary EURIPA

The Gravepine Summer 2019

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